The Union of Federal Public Service Workers in the State of Ceará - SINTSEF/CE, founded on April 16, 1989, at the I State Congress of the Category, based on Art. 8 of the Federal Constitution/88, is the representative entity of workers federal public of the three Powers, Autarchies, Foundations and workers in Federal Public Companies, active, retirees and pensioners of the federal area in the territorial base in the State of Ceará, of indefinite duration, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Fortaleza, at Rua 24 de May, 1201 – Center – Fortaleza/CE.SINTSEF/CE works to defend the rights of its members, who currently number more than 9 thousand, participating and promoting marches, marches, acts, etc. and supporting the decisions of its base, as in the case of strikes, strikes, protests, various demonstrations.In hierarchical order, the bodies that make up SINTSEF/CE are: Congress, General Assembly, Council of Grassroots Union Delegates, Collegiate Management and Supervisory Board. To learn more about the instances, access our bylaws. The SINTSEF/CE headquarters in Fortaleza has 14 employees, legal, accounting, communication and information technology advice, which support the work of the entity. Within the state, SINTSEF/CE has eight union police stations. Each of them follows the same structure as the collegiate board, but operates with only 10 members.The first union police station founded was in Cariri, in 1992, which is still based in Crato. The most recent, made official in 2011, was Três Climas, which is headquartered in Itapipoca. In this 19-year period, police stations were created in the Center-South, headquartered in Iguatu, North Region, headquartered in Sobral, Maciço de Baturité, headquartered in the municipality of Baturité, Inhamúns, in Crateús, Sertão Central, headquartered in Quixadá and Jaguaribe Valley, which runs in Russas.Browse our website and find out more about SINTSEF/CE.